I missed school and I'm worried...help?

Okay so I was sick a week before Christmas break, because I was sick. Well in one of my classes we had to do an oral presentation on Monday and Tuesday.

Do you think that I would still have to present it when break is done or would we be moved on from that topic?



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I think that your teacher will understand your situation. When I was in grade 12, I missed two weeks of classes because I kept having fever on and off. I missed a couple tests and some projects but my teachers gave me enough time to do them after the due date. I think it would also help if you showed them a doctor's note


You'll get away with it just say I was sick! Don't stress it's only some stupid presentation! Enjoy the rest of your break


If your the only one that missed it I doubt they will spend an enitire class so one student can fit in their oral exam


you're probably just going to present it when your break is done, just explain it to her or get a note from your parents to show her/him.