Why is it considered rude to say something negative to someone if it's the truth?


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It depends on what the comment is. If you say something like "you should drive the speed limit because you could hurt yourself or someone else," then this would be truthful. If a person considers this rude it's because it might be a blow to their ego and/or they don't like being told anything negative. If instead you say "you're a stupid driver" then this is considered rude because stupid is an outright insult. Also if someone says something like "your shoes are hideous" it is considered rude because whether or not shoes are nice or ugly is a matter of opinion ("beauty is in the eye of the beholder") and sometimes people mistake opinions for truth when opinions are how a person feels while truth is the actual state of something. For example, think of a blue jacket. An opinion would be "that jacket is nice" and truth would be "that jacket is blue."


Unsolicited opinions about personal things is always rude if it is intended to offend. For example, to point out to a girl wearing blue nail polish that she looks ridiculous may very well be true, but it is also offensive. To say to her," That blue polish is interesting, but pink would look nicer. " softens the criticism and is less likely to offend while still getting your point across. You don't like blue nail polish. Being careful to not say something negative to another person is an example of kindness and compassion, especially regarding superficial things. Never find it necessary to risk making someone's feelings be hurt, embarrassing another person, putting another person on the spot, or making them feel small or humiliated. Always tell the absolute truth when safety, or honor is at stake." Driving drunk can get you or others killed." "Yes, I saw him take the money."


I cant coach which you're grotesque nor am i going to objective, because of the fact i dont think of you're grotesque! Eveyone thinks their opinion is nice, thats why evaluations are only that; evaluations. human beings have their very own innovations and make their very own minds up approximately issues. It doesnt propose that they are top however. I dont see why human beings see that they may be insulting and not think of you will upward thrust up because of the fact what they provide concept to the certainty and what's definitely the certainty are 2 diverse issues. some human beings can somewhat be ignorant besides. I wouldnt difficulty approximately what this jerk wad stated, they for sure dont understand what they are talking approximately and luxuriate in making human beings sense undesirable just to make themselves sense extra effective. in many circumstances people who placed others down, are insecure approximately themselves besides


It's rude because you're not putting it nicely & not thinking of their feelings. If you have to say something negative be more thoughtful, kind, considerate, there's always a nicer way to put things. You wouldn't want to be told something negative in a bold way. Put yourself in their shoes.


I find any truth said tastefully enough is legit in my book. I like and want people to be blunt abd honest. Sometimes I wish I was even moreso bcuz I get taken advantage of a lot and have trouble saying how I feel to people

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