What happens if i crush birth control in my shampoo?

i heard it makes hair grow and im wondering if its a stupid myth. i read it a few times too but i want to know experiences if there are any? and also if not, can i have suggestions on how to grow my hair? please and thank you :)


Favorite Answer

The hormones oestrogen and progestrone, which are inside the pill, are found already within females. Although it is responsible for hair growth, breast production, etc, it hasnt really been proven to make your hair grow faster. Testosterone is more responsible for hair growth, but thats all over the body. If you want to give it a try, go for it. But I must say its an expensive route to hair growth.

You can buy hair growth pills from walmart (I read it on a thread - there are a variety of pills; California Natural Hair, Rexall, MSM and GNC's Hair Skin & Nails formula vitamins) but I'm sure you can find them anywhere. You may need to stick with hair/skin/nails supplements and put some sea kelp in your conditioner to stimulate growth (also said on the thread).

I wish you the best of luck!
