are my pictures in picasa now public!!?

I downloaded the picasa application to my mac book pro. When I opened the program it immediately started importing all of my pictures to the app. These pictures it imported, are they automatically public whens they are in the app? I imminently uninstalled picasa as fast as I saw the imports, i have no picasa account online or anything nor did I sync any pictures to be online but I'm concerned over this.
Thank you for your time

Reginald G2013-01-04T15:11:33Z

Favorite Answer

No - There are 2 applications from Google that have Picasa in their name. Picasa itself, which you installed on your Mac, and Picasa Web Albums, an on-line photo sharing site. When you installed Picasa, it began to detect (not copy) all of the photos you had on your computer. It was NOT uploading them to Picasa Web Albums. Therefore, your photos are not out on the web unless you put them out some other way.


I see instructions that mention:

Under the 'share' option, make sure it is set for Public On the Web. If the album isn’t public, it will not appear on your website.

Looks it's not public by default.