With the demise of Hostess can you still use the Twinkie defense in court?
as Dan White did with the Harvey Milk killing
as Dan White did with the Harvey Milk killing
Favorite Answer
I don't know about that, but the Chewbacca defense is ALWAYS admissible:
(Take your pick. I'd go with the first one for the PWNING music. :p ]
ornery and mean
Good joke. Actually the "twinkie defense" does not depend on the Hostess brand being available.
Check the link, actually a pretty interesting case. Dan White's lawyers never contended that his ingestion of twinkies and other "junk foods" caused him to do anything. The case centered on a sudden and profound change in personal habits indicating possible mental illness. Before the incident Dan's dietary habits changed from a very healthy diet to a diet that included large quantities of junk food. His grooming habits also went from very good (clean and well kept) to bad (not clean, sloppy about his appearance, etc).
The defense worked ... to a point. Dan was convicted of manslaughter instead of the more serious murder charge he was facing.
Tad Dubious
willie my mam, have faith in the Golden Goodness and the world's desire for it. I have no doubt the Twinkie will soon be back on the shelves and the Twinkie defense may stand without erosion. But if I'm wrong, I think I like the "Little Debbie defense." Little Debbie could even be called as a witness!