Yet another story of a police officer shooting a family pet...?

What do you think should be done about all these stories of police officers shooting family pets, more than not- Pit Bulls?
The latest one that happened this past week in Baltimore is just heartbreaking, the police chased a criminal into the families yard and the dog was standing on the porch barking- the police shot him twice in the head. Why have police departments not taken action to prevent these kinds of incidents? I heard one police chief claim that the reason they don't use tazers on dogs is because it "could kill them" why not use something that COULD kill over a gun that WILL kill them? There has to be another option, even pepper spray.
What are your thoughts on these cases? I understand there are plenty of other pressing issues with the police but this seems to be happening more and more often and I think they need to start making serious changes. I know I would end up in prison for life if a cop ever shot my dog.

This is the story- the dog didn't charge anyone, he stood on his porch and barked and the owner was holding his collar at the time.
Wow, what do you own American Bullies? I own real American Pit Bull Terriers (55lbs, none of those garbage 100 lb hippos) and a gun shot would certainly kill any of my dogs. Please do not perpetuate the stereotype that APBTs are some kind of super dogs that can't feel pain or be killed. That's exactly why people are scared of them.
This dog barked at people that came onto his property, his owner was holding him and the cop chose to shoot him.


very few questions... "armed"? both he become or become no longer. a police baton is a weapon. this weapon would nicely be deadly when you're hit contained in the pinnacle with it. do generic human beings in reliable states of concepts run round bare? television isn't authentic existence, it may take quite a few seconds, even minutes for someone to end their moves from a gunshot. loads of photos would nicely be fired in some seconds. you'll nicely be shot and nonetheless kill someone with a weapon you're conserving. have you ever tried to subdue a guy wielding a baton? perchance a unadorned, probable sweaty guy? this makes me question your potential to be purpose, thank god you're not any further on the jury. as if that wasn't sufficient, have you ever troubled to confirm what delivered the police there that evening? how about some thing that would were said or executed earlier the capturing. you purely stay interior, watch your csi shows, and go away the policing to those individuals that artwork contained in the authentic global, a global finished of undesirable individuals that you're able to be too scared to address.


I didn't see the article, I don't know the mitigating circumstances so I really can't judge.

But, there are guns that shoot beanbags and hard rubber bullets that would take a human down to their knees.

But, we are talking about a breed of dog which is quite different though most people do not realize it.

I am surprised the dog died with only TWO shots to the head. I have seen Pits live through 5 shots to the head......

Not really easy to kill a Pit....


I also wonder why they don't invest in those high frequency grenade things. You throw it and it emits a high pitch noise that make the dogs flee the area or tap out. No one knows what goes on in the situation, maybe the cop got scared, or maybe the dog rushed him? I also think that a fleeing criminal knows that a random person running directly for the house shouting or making a lot of noise is going to raose attention in this dog. So he intentionally risks the dogs life to get away.