I'm thinking of getting 2 pet rats, maybe 1 if my mom doesn't want 2. I want to be prepared with everything, so can you please help me by choosing between these 2 cages? 1. http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2751768&lmdn=Pet+Type&f=PAD%2FpsNotAvailInUS%2FNo
If you cant see the link just copy and paste (sorry). Thank you, and i will choose BA for the most help!
1. Petsmart cage called: Ware Clean Living Medium 6-Level Small Pet Cage
2. Petsmart cage called: Super Pet Deluxe My First Home Cage for Exotics
Favorite Answer
I think both cages are good.
The Ware Clean Living Medium 6-Level Small Pet Cage offers a lot more height but it's a tiny bit smaller in L X W. But it's still about 470 square inches or around there I forget.
The Super Pet Deluxe My First Home Cage for Exotics has about 540 square inches but of course it had a lot less levels.
Please get two rats they basically need to live in pairs to be happy in life. So everyone is going to suggest you get two and if you get one will you will regret it. Rats can live very depressed lives alone since they are social.
In final either of these two cages are great in my opinion and either will fully support two or maybe more rats. I don't like the wheel that comes with the second cage. I suggest whatever cage you get you make sure your using a solid plastic wheel and aim for around 10" in size. The wheel in that cage is not safe it can hurt your rats.
The six level cage looks easier to clean though. The six level cage is probably the better option but it does cost a lot more. And for two rats it would not matter what cage you get.
I say the Super Pet Deluxe My First Home cage. It is a much better deal but still better than the first one. Not only is it large enough to comfortably house up to four rats, it also comes with a hammock, giant exercise wheel, and food dish. It is three levels, which is tall enough for rats to have a fun time climbing.
The Ware cage is unnecessary for just two rats, plus it has 1" bar spacing which is too big for females or juveniles to be housed in.
By the way, rats are very social so if your mother will only allow you to have one, then you're going to need to choose a different pet. Rats get lonely, depressed, stressed, and more susceptible to illnesses when kept by themselves.
The bar spacing on the first 1 is 1, which is too limiting. You'd be limited on what sized rats you can put in there and it is a waste of time to cover a new cage with hardwire cloth. You should buy how you mean to go on. Besides, the shelves allow pee to pool on them and as your rats age, you'd end up buying a single level cage.
The second cage is "ok." Personally I think all super pet cages suck, the shelves hold pee and being plastic smell like it.
If I were you I'd check out martinscages.com rat cage R-680 (powder coated, full flip top) or qualitycage.com RT-1824C (you can eventually expand that one with RT-24 Addition PC-SV). Both of these cages offer multi-level life but as your rats age, both have the single floor base that is adequate for a pair of rats and you an remove the shelves. And trust me, these 2 cages are way easier to clean than the two you linked above.
I say get a glass aquarium, with a mesh cage. i had a rat that never got lost or escaped, then i got one of the option cages above and the cat scratched him really badly. They are a bit more expensive but your rat will live longer and be happier!
honestly i think those cages are small and expensive if the first one is 140 then i think you shoulld go with this one , http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=12458305&f=PAD%2FpsNotAvailInUS%2FNo
other than that if i were to chosoe between those cages i would go with the first cage, the critter nation are so much roomier and your rats would have so much more fun in that cage