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Here's an idea!
Create your own idea, or don't write until you can.
1. We finally figure out how to travel to other planets, and we head for one that seems like it would support human life. When the spaceship gets there, the astronauts find people and cities astonishingly like our own -- yet different. You decide what the differences are and how interplanetary relations will proceed.
2. Write an alternate history, where something that set the course of our culture happened differently. Perhaps some other culture became dominant.
3. Look around at all our problems today. Create a utopia that solves the problems and write about life in the utopian society. Or does it become a dystopia for some?
4. Huge numbers of people die from biowarfare. How do the survivors rebuild?
http://www.mystorypage.com/story.php?title=Like Flies&author=Giles D Hobbs&chap=1
Read some orson Scott Card books. That will help!
You could look at Orson Scott Card's writing tips on the hatrackriver.com site.