Can i carry a pocket knife in my car?

I am a teenager, and i was wondering if it is legal to carry a simple pocket knife in my automobile. It has about a 4 inch blade maybe five. I find its useful to have in a car because it can be a makeshift screw driver, you can cut **** open and you can use it to repair things. Its just a useful tool to me. but anyways is it legal to keep in in the glovebox in oklahoma. i looked up the laws and i am not a knife expert nor am i a lawyer so they are hard to follow. It has a foldout blade if it helps.


I am a minor, not 18 if that matters at all


Favorite Answer

Virtually no jurisdiction in the US regulates ownership and use of a knife that small.

You may be prohibited, however, to carry the knife into certain places (schools, libraries, government buildings.)


Normally it has to be the size of your palm. From the start of the blade to the tip. I dont know if thats just for pennsylvania or all knife laws. But not from wrist to finger tips. Turn it to the side.

