In today's world, do you think Cursive is necessary?

With computers, pads, etc. technology has made it where writing in Cursive is becoming obsolete. How do you feel about this?

CraSH CraSH2013-01-12T04:55:17Z

Favorite Answer

Learning cursive writing around ages 5-8 is necessary to develop motor skills but after that it's pretty much pointless


I think it is good to learn even though I always got a "C" or a "C-" in cursive/handwriting class.

As an adult today, I write a combination of cursive and print and it helped me do well as a journalist when I was younger because I could quickly write shorthand.

When you look at it strictly in terms of "necessity," one day all the computers in the world could crash and turn against us, etc. etc. and then we might want to know how to write cursive as well to communicate.

So, I think it is necessary because there is some good that comes of it, even if we mostly use computers, and one day, we might need it, if we end up back in caves writing hieroglyphics.

No More2013-01-12T05:03:15Z

I still write letters, put them in envelopes and put a stamp on the envelope to send it on it's way. Cursive is not the only thing becoming obsolete.
Time to write a letter to someone (something you can hold in hand) is becoming obsolete. Email is okay, but that actual letter in my mailbox, something I can read when internet isn't available, that is so much better!
Cursive should never be obsolete and neither should time and effort spent to send a letter.


Absolutely I do. I have never had a big problem with technology, but I now think that we are becoming too dependent on it. There could come a time when we have a complete technological breakdown (not saying it will happen, just that it could). If you don't know cursive, then how will you keep a record of things? I personally think now that technology is getting out of hand. I happen to like doing for myself.


It's a ton faster than block,
I'm 17 yet cursive is still really used here,
Especially hand written work.

But all manual writing might become extinct as,
All those above mentioned do no use manual writing as needed by both cursive and block writing!

I don't feel bad for it,
Sucks for those who can't do cursive,
it really is faster once you're good at it,
It literally flows

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