When gallbladder attacks happen what is the best relief?

I'm having what I believe is a gallbladder attack. I have not found out yet if I have gallstones, but I am convinced I have them, nothing else would be causing this pain. I have however, heard that these attacks hurt worse than childbirth and for me, it doesn't feel like that. I'm ok, in pain but ok. My right shoulder hurts from the back a bit and my right side is hurting but not severe excruciating pain. It bothers me its like "oh great here we go with the pain" and I'm not crying or going through anything it bothers me a bit more when I sit up but like I said I'm ok it just bothers the crap out of me. I don't think its something so bad I should visit the hospital even though I'm a hypochondriac and think everything is bad.

It's my fault for getting to this point, I've been eating so bad and since the new year started, I've tried to cut down but its so hard giving up milk, eggs, bread, and meats, pretty much all the good but bad things. I'm a 24yr old female who doesn't workout but is it possible to lower or reduce the size of the stones by working out and getting on a good diet? If you know anything that can give me some relief that would be great, I'm drinking water for now not a lot especially since its late at night but anything for the meantime would be great, God bless and thank you.

falsi fiable2013-01-15T23:20:16Z

Favorite Answer

Some people find relief with Vicodin (a combination of 325mg of Acetaminophen and 5mg of Codeine).

Medication never worked for me. My attacks usually occurred during the early evening. The best relief was to lie down on my sofa and try to sleep it off for a couple hours.


If you have no gallbladder sone then it may be nerve probleme so better to see doctor


surgery, get it taken out