I dont wanna go on a huge rant so i will just say my dad is an alcoholic, gambling addict. He doesnt care about anyone but himself and yells and freaks out aout the smallest things. Him and my mom always fight and he always does whatever he can to make me feel like crap and tells me im a f***up and never gonna be sucessful. Every holiday he ruins it because he always gets mad, I cried myself to sleep on christmas eve. I was gonna see a therapist about this and some other stuff but he found out and started acting better so i would change my mind and cancel it. Then the day after the appointment would have been he went back to his old self. How do i get him out of my life because i cant take it anymore, the only solution i see is to kill myself to end it. Im being completely serious BTW. What am i supposed to do about my f***up of a dad?
If you want to read anymore about my situation then this link has more to it: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130113165710AA4nycz
Serene E2013-01-13T17:43:16Z
Favorite Answer
This is temporary, dude. Everything in life is TEMPORARY. If he yells and screams call 911 and get him arrested. A therapist will be really good for you. See the website below, you're not alone. there's plenty of teens that have alcoholics for parents.
My guess is you're a teenager because your sight is very limited. You won't be there much longer. I know it seems like a lifetime, but in just a few years you can leave and hopefully take your mom with you. Hang on. I know it sucks, but you don't have any other options unless a family member takes you in.
Suicide isn't an answer since it will make you behave selfishly just like your stepdad (you don't want to be like him and hurt your mom more.) And you think it will bring peace but hell is a terrible and real place. It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. You don't get to decide if it's real or not.
You can't do anything about your alcoholic dad. What you CAN do is start making steps right now to be able to move out of the house when you finish school. Focus on school, and making good grades so that you might possibly get a college scholarship. Stop expecting him to be any different so that you're never disappointed when he acts out. Stay out of his way as much as possible. The less contact the fewer the opportunities for fighting and chaos. If you haven't yet, get a part-time job after school and on weekends to get you out of the house as much as possible. Save what money you make so you'll be able to afford to move out upon graduation from high school. And... talk to your school counselor about the alcoholism. She will be able to guide you to solutions that you can't think of on your own.
1.If you are 18 you can leave 2.Ignore your dad 3. You sed when you were going to the therapist he was acting nice well do it only this time don't cancel :)
Do not kill yourself. It is not worth it. Just because your dad is a screw up it doesnt mean you have to be. Once you graduate high school and start making your own money, you won't have to deal with his BS anymore.