Teens: Does your school have video cameras in the halls?

My school does. Its weird to be watched. Like one time during my school musical I had to change in the hallway with a camera & I just felt so awkward. We're a ghetto school. We can afford video cameras but not stall doors, urinals for the boys bathroom (apparently they just have a giant sink that acts as a urinal & 2 stalls. One stall doesn't have a door & the other doesn't open all the way) desks that don't squeak & vending machines from THIS century?! Smh.

BQ: If you could go to school tomorrow dressed like anything without anyone judging or laughing at you, what would you go as?
-I'd go as a kangaroo or a flying squirrel.
BQ: Were you ever a cheerleader?
- I was not. Im on the dance team though
BQ: Fav colors?
-sea green & red


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My school doesnt. At least not ones anyone knows about. The entire school system is cutting corners because theyre building a new highschool with 4 floors, modern design, huge historic drama building, and a pool :D ipads are all anyone ever has to bring to school. I get to go there next year. The building that stands next to the one being built is falling apart. Theres a rat, cockroach, and who knows what else infestation, an entire colony under the stage. I live in a earthquake-prone area and the building almost fell on top of students a decade ago. But the school i go to now replaces the soap in the bathrooms once every two months, and the soap lasts a week at the longest. Ew. I saw a spider crawl out of the vegetable buffet, and not just a little spider, a frickin wolf spider (a brown tarantula-looking thing thats bite is deadly without medical care) At my elementary school when they first had budget cuts a girl vomited in the bathroom on halloween, the stain and dried up half-digested food was still there a year later.

BQ: in a swimsuit. Not because im a slut or i want to show off anything, but im comfortable in swimsuits. Im in swim team all summer and go on a long vacation every year to a lake so in the summertime i LIVE in swimsuits.

If you meant like a costume, then GIR. Just because hes awesome.

BQ: hahahahahahaha in 1st grade? It was a drill squad. I quit after i got lice from the shared pom-poms.

BQ: TEAL!!!!!!! Im obsessed with that color.


My school doesn't and I'm happy for that. The only issue with it is that there's a lot of hooplah between couples in the hallway during lunch/free periods and it's kind of disturbing for the rest of us to watch. My boyfriend and I never fool around in the hallway. It's tacky. Also, you think your school is ghetto? We don't have a gym, cafeteria or school nurse. Ironically, I go to a very expensive private school.

BQ: I'd go in my pajamas. Or sweats and a lame shirt.
BQ: Nope, we don't have a cheerleading squad.
BQ: Green & purple.


Yeah. Just no cameras in the back hallways which is really stupid because that's were kids mostly get In trouble.
BQ: aha, just me
BQ: yep! I'm on a level 5 allstar cheer team! I also do dance!
BQ/ pink


My old school did. Security reasons and all that.

BQ: If I went to public school still, I'd dress up as Hogwarts student. :P
BQ2: Nope, my sister is though.
BQ3: Purple.

FALL OUT BOY IS BACK2013-01-13T21:12:57Z


BQ: Um... I don't know. I would probably just roll out of bed and go to school. If you're not judging me, I'm in pajamas. :P
BQ2: Yeah, in elementary/early middle school. I quit because it was really boring.
BQ3: Violet.

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