How to deal with my screw-up father?

I dont wanna go on a huge rant so i will just say my dad is an alcoholic, gambling addict. He doesnt care about anyone but himself and yells and freaks out aout the smallest things. Him and my mom always fight and he always does whatever he can to make me feel like crap and tells me im a f***up and never gonna be sucessful. Every holiday he ruins it because he always gets mad, I cried myself to sleep on christmas eve. I was gonna see a therapist about this and some other stuff but he found out and started acting better so i would change my mind and cancel it. Then the day after the appointment would have been he went back to his old self. How do i get him out of my life because i cant take it anymore, the only solution i see is to kill myself to end it. Im being completely serious BTW. Also, grades are being sent home next week and i did really bad (mostly Cs, a few Bs and an F) because i was constantly stressed out and depressed. He will freak out and yell at me for literally hours every night for atleast a week and i cant deal with that. I go to a school thats far away with friends ive known since first grade and my dad gets mad because he thinks if i cant get perfect grades then him and my mom driving me there is a waste of time, i even told my mom to let me go to a school thats closer so my dad wouldnt be able to yell at me, but, she wouldnt let me. What am i supposed to do about my f***up of a dad?


Also, in your answer please do not say something about god, Im not a religious person and i think you have the right to believe whatever you want, but, when i post stuff and people bring up god it just gets me irritated and i cant take them seriously. Please dont bring it up, thanks


Favorite Answer

Contact AA they have ways to help your father.

Get your mother on board and anyone else that cares about him.

What your father is saying about you, is how he feels about himself, he is only projecting that on you because he can't bare to see it in himself.

I'm not surprised your grades dropped, that is a lot to carry.

You mother doesn't want to move your school where all your friends are, she is a smart woman, she just doesn't know how to help her family.

You need to talk to her and the two of you need to contact the AA and get some much necessary support for him and the family.

I can understand how you feel about how your father is acting, but i also know you love your father.
if you succeed in getting the help your father needs he will one day love you for it, and you will have your father back.

killing your self is never an option love, you have too much life in you, this situation is not forever, you have more then enough options in front of you. Before you consider doing anything to your self i want you to promise right now that you will talk to a counselor, a priest, your Dr. someone who is in a position to do something for you.
You father and mother are on the edge here, if you do hurt yourself they will plummet over the edge, lost forever.

Can you not see you are the glue that is holding the family together.

You have the power to make all this right again. Get the help you need. You can;t fix this on your own, you must get help. Now please call AA right now.
let me know how it goes, i am here to support you.
contact me at


Love your dad. Dont think bad about him. Show your love/respect to him. Parents are the only persons who never thinks bad about their children.

May be you are wrong. Think it cool.

Gaia’s Garden2013-01-14T10:09:16Z

Tell your mom your dad is abusive. Tell your therapist your dad is abusive. Tell your teacher your dad is abusive. Eventually someone will believe you. PS tell your dad he is abusive.


JL is right , Tell EVERYONE!! Seriously dude!