Help for my lonely male Swordtail?
I've had my 20 gal. freshwater planted aquarium for about five years and have had the same fish in it for the whole time (I made sure it was VERY well established before I added fish). Anyway, I started with one male Swordtail, three female Swordtails and an oto cat. The male Sword and the cat are still going strong but the last of the females passed away last week. I actually want to phase out my freshwater and move to saltwater (I have a new custom 50 gal tank but only have room for one setup) but my male Sword seems really lonely. I hate to just leave him all by himself until he dies but I don't want to get two or three more young females for him as they will probably live another three to five years and then I'll have to get a companion for the last one and on and on in an endless cycle. Also, my friend no longer has his Koi to whom I was feeding the inevitable Swordtale fry (mean, I know, but I don't have room for 50 Swords in my tank). Is there anything I can do to help my Sword, maybe another fish that won't live so long that he can't mate with but will make him feel less lonely? The cat doesn't help as he spends his day hanging on the walls of the tank in search of algae.
Lyssa, it's a 50 gallon main tank with a 20 gallon sump. Like my freshwater tank I have no intention of overstocking.