Computer to Computer Folder Sharing Program?

PLEASE READ: I want to be very spisfic on this, so to make sure I get the right answers.

I want a program that connects a computer to a folder located on another computer over the internet in real time. Allowing instant Read and Write access to that folder. I also want the program treat the folder as a virtual drive on the computer looking at the folder. Reason why....

I want to make two visual basic programs (one on each computer) that interact with each other by using the richtextbox loadfile and savefile commands into the shared folder so I can make a virtual network between the two.

My Computer is XP professional SP3, and will host the folder
My friends computer is windows 7


Favorite Answer

There are a few free applications that claims it does provide this service
Hope one will suit you


Eh, working a server is the only sensible way. Time to triumph over your networking fears and do artwork. There are a team of protocols that proportion information, ftp, sftp, samba (despite the fact that that's often on a LAN, so you might emulate with a VPN), etc. sftp is my fashionable, yet to each and each their own.