Why do they ignore the constitution? The constitution being the ultimate regulatory guidelines for *government*.
Is it because regulations don't work, and at some primal level they realize this, and therefor disregard it?
I'm not advocating modern Cons actions either. Neither party gives a sh*t about the constitution, but you silly neoliberals should realize that the founding fathers were liberals themselves.
"You obviously have neither studied nor understood the Constitution or history very well." Care to explain how you came to that conclusion based off of three sentences? Or was it that you couldn't think of a credible argument?
who WAS #1?2013-01-19T11:32:46Z
Favorite Answer
Because the Constitution strictly limits the Powers of government. It allows the Feds to only do about 19 things. The 10th amendment says everything else is left to the States or The People.
But of course Federal government has become Leviathan and exceeded its jurisdiction. For example, the Constitution gives the Feds zero to do with education. Yet there is a Cabinet-level Dept of Education and the teachers' unions buy politicians with contributions, which buy more and more taxpayer money going to the unions of government employees. An upward spiral of ever-greater corruption.
Are you suggesting the Constitution does not allow regulations? The Constitution does not empower Congress to pass laws that regulate commerce among the states, and it prohibits states from regulating whatever you're talking about?
Liberals and conservatives often have different *technicques* in interpreting the Constitution. And the most boring *debate* technique that there is in America is the "Our side respects the Constitution and your side doesn't!"
Liberals like a even playing field. Conservatives like to Cheat. Pure and Simple.
Liberals (Patriots) believe in justice - which is the purpose of the Constitution.
Red State Righties - given that they DESPISE our Government, our Democracy - have no problem SCHITTING on our Constitution - perverting this or that meaning - or ignoring it all together.
Red State Righties are pathetic WHINERS - who - when they don't get their way - stomp off and seek secessionist methods - or other perverse ways to undermine our democracy.
Look at Timothy McVeigh - most owners of Military Assault Weapons are just one step removed from that typical Rightie.
And don't get me started on 'christian' Conservatives - those Moral Perverts want to turn our nation into a Theocracy - not much different than what the Taliban want .
No - clearly you're confused.
You're probably duped by FOX - a Foreign Owned Propaganda Network - which ALSO despises The USA.
Red State Righties are Secessionist Pricks - Whiners - Pathetic FOX Robots who Spit on the American Flag and Schit on the Constitution.
Please post more such questions so I can smack them down with logic and patriotism.
Liberals don't ignore the Constitution. Conservatives just have been indoctrinated with a warped interpretation of the Constitution. They are the ones who think any regulation on guns is unconstitutional and what we really need is more regulations on the freedom of speech a la movies and video games. Conservatives also have been brainwashed to believe Obama's exercise of the president's constitutional powers is really an unconstitutional power grab.
As a liberal, I like regulations because they are just like laws. They help protect public safety and order among the chaotic whims of people with individual freedoms. Unlike conservatives, I haven't been programmed to irrationally fear authority.