Will NASCAR add to the Spoiler?

During testing the cars showed a large tendency to be extremely loose in a draft. Adding an increased spoiler prior to the Bud Shootout and the possibility of a smaller restrictor plate would keep the speeds down under 200 MPH that it is fastly approaching.

Grizzly Man2013-01-21T05:11:06Z

Favorite Answer

I think we will see a few tweaks by Nascar after that test session. I personally feel a little more spoiler will tighten them up. We will just have to wait and see.


They are done with all testing and are content with what they see and think it will create great racing. It will end up being fine without much else done. It will be more exciting that way anyways. Those spoilers aren't much smaller than the ones they used last year, so it will be fine.


Well they have said that they don't see any major adjustments coming between now & Speedweeks. The speeds, even in the draft are below 200mph & with the way the cars are now I don't see them going too much higher than that.


Doubtful that anything will be done to the cars, but we'll wait and see.