Is it bad to say Goodnight baby?

Is it bad to say goodnight baby to a girl who you know likes you. Like do they cute little nickname thing or would they prefer something else. Personally, I like calling a girl baby if I know she likes me and I like her I just want to know how the females feel about it.


Favorite Answer

I think every woman secretly wants a man to say goodnight to her even if she don't express it. I think it's nice if you like someone to say goodnight. Kinda like your on my mind even at the end of the night.


Baby Saying Goodnight


I honestly love being called baby. But to be on the safe side, say something more sincere, like "Sweet dreams, gorgeous." If I liked a guy and he said that, my heart would turn into a puddle, 'nuff said.


Not all girls like "baby." Hun or beautiful would probably be a better choice. Hope I helped. (:


she will instantly think you like her back and her hopes will get up... so if you dont like her back and your just planning to lead her on by calling her 'baby' then thats not such a good idea.
i hope that i helped!
good luck!

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