Is this taxable income?

Both of my parents passed away and received some income will taxes be owed? I did have them take taxes out initially but not sure I needed to or not. I did receive 1099 s . My mother retired from the state so my sister and I both received approx 4000. Left in her account a death benefit of 1000. And her income from the month she passed away my share 1100. My dad was getting a small annuity from his past work and getting approx 140. A month on that. So far no 1099 on this I am in CA


Was hoping to get answer for filling on my own since I normally do my own taxes with our simple return normally I do no even have enough deductions to do anything other than standard for our return


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Some of this is taxable. Without going through each item, take all of your documents to a tax preparer. In particular, the pension payments you receive as a beneficiary are at least partly taxable. Annuity payments are partly taxable.


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