I am making buttermilk chicken and it froze?

Last night I marinated chicken with buttermilk overnight. When I looked at it this morning the Buttermilk is Frozen over it. Is it safe to cook?. I am suppose to roll it in bread crumbs and parmesan cheese. What would you do ? Please only nice polite answers. Thank you!!!!


Favorite Answer

Your chicken is safe to cook and eat, but your fridge is at too low a setting if the milk froze. If the chicken is also frozen, raise the setting on your fridge and allow it to defrost overnight again. Make something else or order in. If the chicken is only slightly frozen and you want to use it tonight, put each piece or two of chicken in a waterproof bag, like a Ziploc and then put the bags of chicken in cold water, changing the water every 20 minutes until defrosted. It should not take more than 40 minutes.

If the chicken is not frozen, just break it out of the buttermilk, then defrost the buttermilk in the microwave using the defrost setting, for 5 minute intervals. Break up the buttermilk as it defrosts. If you don't have or want to use the microwave, dip the bowl or dish in hot water long enough to melt some of the frozen butter milk, then dump it into a deep skillet and heat over low heat until you can remove the chicken and the buttermilk defrosts.


As long as it was just like, the top layer of the milx that froze(aka the chicken isnt suspended in a block of icemilk at the moment) it should taste fine.