Why do so many non-Mormons insist that they have read the Book of Mormon, cover to cover?

When it's totally obvious that they have not.


I don't want to know why people don't read it. I want to know why people lie about it, saying they DID read it when they really didn't.


rac: I'm talking about those who say they read something in the Book of Mormon that even those of us Mormons who are rather lax in our study of the B of M know is no where in the Book of Mormon. For instance, the last person who did this said she read all about the curse of Cain doctrine in the Book of Mormon.

searcher: God will not be mocked.


Favorite Answer

They are clearly guilty of the same "self deception" they claim Mormons have for our beliefs. Ironic, really. Hypocritical sadly.


Maybe they have and maybe they haven't. There is a difference between reading and studying the book. If you read it with a negative mind-set, then you will most likely miss the inspirational quality of the book, imagining up for yourself areas of criticism. You will recall Moroni's warning not to criticize the work of God due to the errors of men and of their language. Nephi also warned about the imperfections of their language. Thus, there are drawbacks that enemies can focus on and pick at, even though they have "read" it. What they have not done is abide by Moroni's counsel to pray in humble sincerity, having faith in Christ, so that the Holy Ghost can speak peace to their minds about the book. They will never know the truth because they did not read in faith.


Because they are ignorant liars, most people who associate themselves with christianity haven't even read the Bible cover to cover. And that's because they believe that reading the scriptures in its entirety does not gain someone salvation.

Or maybe some actually attempt to read the BoM, but after realizing shortly how incredibly boring it is, they skim quickly "cover to cover", in an attempt to appear less ignorant. And I don't blame them. I find the story to be very dull, as I do the Bible, and the Qur’an. All of those books would be great substitutes for anyone who regularly uses sleeping pills.


It is the best way to infiltrate into the church. Just say something like "Oh, that was sooo special and Spiritual...." , or " I had a nice warm Testimony on almost every page, especially when the words of Jesus were read."

Then in a few weeks , a nice Baptism , then a year or so later after getting the Temple Recommend, an Official Mormon Marriage can take place in the Temple. I dont think they check peoples Gender BEFORE going in. I heard they used to annoint a Temple Attendee's body orafices with oil or something with a hand coming through the veil and reaching through the worshipper's robes to facilitate the annointing. ( I guess it was a way to protect from Evil Spirits entering a persons body through the orafices if it was annointed with Temple Oil ? )

Also , Church Membership AND a Temple Recommend are a great way to tap into the LDS network for good Jobs, or good deals at other LDS run establishments ect ect.

PS: That Measley 10% that I invested as a Tithe has yeilded a 40% in new untapped revenue for my business. Plus I get to write the Tithe off as a Charitable Contribution. If they want a Burning Busom Buddy (hint , hint,) They got Him / Her.

Anyway , The BoM is the First Step. Make it a good one.


One way to read The Book Of Mormon Another Testament Of Jesus Christ
is to listen to it on audio.

Plenty of ways on the internet to do that...

while doing other things, too.

So listening on audio can sometimes be more convenient and
it is another way to gain knowledge.

Plus it's a good change of pace from music as well.
A person can't listen to music all the time after all
otherwise the music doesn't sound as good.

Honestly I have not found anything on the internet that has as high
as production values as this YouTube Channel has of the Bible
on the internet, but maybe someday I will, then I will post
that link to The Book Of Mormon Another Testament Of Jesus Christ
on audio as well.


But the Official LDS Scriptures online has an audio feature and that
can be useful as well from time to time.


Just go to the right audio symbol and click it to get the audio
(a handy feature to be sure).

http://Mormon.org Chat.

God bless.

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