When does violent verbal abuse escalate to physical abuse?

I have a real concern here.


I can't get her into counseling as she is 26 and has a mind of her own. All of us who love her are the bad guys. We don't agree with her lifestyle so she thinks we don't love her. I got a text from her that was really nasty and puts a little fear in me. I want her happy and successful and to have joy in her life. I realize now that the gal who said she doesn't respect me is right. I have helped my granddaughter a lot, but the buck stops here. Instead of being thankful for my help she lashes out at me. I am afraid of her now.


Favorite Answer

The instant there is physical contact with the intent of harm, there is physical abuse. Please note that physical abuse often stems from verbal or emotional/psychological abuse, and there several different forms including but not limited to:

- Financial abuse - controlling finances as a way to maintain control over the victim.
- Emotional/psychological - stalking, gestures that have a harmful or otherwise negative meaning known only to the victim, controlling behavior (isolating the victim, monitoring phone activity, etc.), etc.
- Verbal - any kind of language meant to demean or otherwise harm or control the victim.

Please see the following link at the CDC page for more information.

Thank you for your additional details. It shows a great deal of courage on your part even coming to terms with that kind of realization.

I'm going to assume that the rest of her and your immediate family (her parents and siblings for example) are aware of the situation. If not, be sure to let them know as soon as possible.

Start to document the occurrences as they occur, being as detailed as possible. This will serve as a record both for yourself, and for any future concerns.

For your own safety, the best option you have is to bluntly inform her of the repercussions her actions have had, and will have on her relationships, particularly with you. I would also say that you should cut her off cold turkey, but I also know that given the love and affection you have for your granddaughter, this course of action would be extremely hard. Let her know instead that although you love her, you will not tolerate her mistreatment of you, and you will take action, possibly legal, if she tries to do so again. Please note that this is also for her benefit as a person, not just your safety.

She cannot be allowed to continue to behave like a spoiled, disgruntled toddler as a 26 year old woman. I happen to be 21, and I cannot fathom the heartache that you feel to be suffering this at the hands of your grandchild.

Hope this helps.


Sometimes it can't take years. And they are other times that it does not go any further then the verbal abuse. And then it can turn into physical abuse when you least expect it. It all depends on the person that is abusing you. I read your other question where your granddaughter abuses you to the point where it's draining you out. And if you don't put your foot down and if you don't stop giving in to her every time she wants something then she will continue to abuse you. You are not doing her a favor by giving in to her. You are helping her to continue to abuse you. She knows that when she abuses you that you will give in to her. I understand that you love her. But to let her abuse you because you love her is not acceptable. Your granddaughter has lost all respect for you. And that is so sad. She is 26. She is no longer a child. She may not be willing to abuse you but give it time and she will. When you are older and can't do too much for yourself she will be standing in front of you and if you don't give it to her then she will abuse you physically. What happened to tough love? It's a shame that you let your granddaughter abuse you this way. If you are really concerned about her then do something about it.


Verbal abuse is the first step, and it just gets worse. Can you get them into some sort of counseling? I'd get them into something before it gets worse, like now.


How sad!, and my wife and I can sympathise with you, we have been subjected to similar abuse!. But I would not bear it, and told some of my family to get lost.!, consequently they will not talk to us, so what?. life is too short to put up with abuse, especially from people you have cared for...There are millions of people who would be grateful to people like you...God Bless you, and close your heart, and purse to them who hurt!..


In an instant.