Should there be a zero tolerance of bullying school and if so, what age and?

How should it be introduced?. I read today of a young man who committed suicide because he was constantly bullied. There were two people on TV tonight that had very rough times in school. Could it be part of the reading program starting in first grade? I know it should start in the home with parents, but it doesn't always happen. We had a young man in our area in fifth grade try to commit suicide.


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Yes there should be!, it can be the bain of some child's life, causing untold pain. there is no excuse for it, nip it in the bud!...


when i started middle that's the policy they had im 27 now .it dose start with the parents raising the kids in the First place .i seen some parents go in to meeting an yell at the teacher cuz there kid was a little bastard an they act like they were angels .the next step is teachers need to start playing attention to what goes on with the students .no more suspension an going home .it need to be 3 in school suspension a month then your out . way to make kid are killing thems over future drug addicts not worth it .

Go Blue '082014-04-16T12:18:31Z

Damn right there should be a no-tolerance policy for every grade in school. I'm sick and tired of school administrators making excuses for their failure to discipline the offenders. NO MORE RED TAPE- if school administrators cannot properly discipline the offenders, FIRE THEIR ASSES!!! How do you deal with bullying and harassment in school? HARD-LINE, NO TOLERANCE POLICIES- that includes treating all formal and signed student complaints as disciplinary referrals, eliminating verbal warnings and instituting automatic out-of-school suspensions, mandatory administrative probations, indefinite loss of school privileges and immediate referral to juvenile authorities. BULLYING AND HARASSMENT IS EVERYBODY'S PROBLEM!!! Schools also need to consider hiring military officers as school administrators(Captains, Colonels, Majors, etc.) to enforce no-tolerance anti-bullying, anti-harassment policies!!!


There already IS - PROVING someone is a bully is pretty hard to do, and, WHAT do you DO with a kid who obviously has severe mental issues - send them home?? You CANNOT force ANYONE to get mental help. SO, before you start trying to make rules, make SURE you get the consequences for breaking them in order FIRST.


From day 1. You can call parents to come get them, the bully that is.