Why is it i hate the rain so much?

I cannot stand dampness, humidity, anything wet on my skin unless it is sexual. I also hate the cold with a passion. summer time when it is 110 degrees everyday is wonderful, i just go jogging or work out outside or just run around. i love the heat, cannot stand the rain, especially cold rain. i cant stand the cold. even in sports i can be at the top of my game in crazy hot weather but in the cold i am rendered useless. obviously i go in the shade and stay hydrated to prevent heat stroke, i love the warmth but i am not immune to overheating. i even keep my bedroom at 90 degrees. To sum it up i love extremely warm, dry weather. everyone says i am weird, does anyone else share my feelings?


I like your answer sir or madam, but its not a memory or feeling type of thing, just trust me when i say i hate wetness.


Favorite Answer

Its actually a typical type of depression that many people face. It has a name and relates to the coldness and not being able to see the sun very much. Research it by typing "winter depression", something should pop up. But you are not weird, it is very normal. I have the same feeling because I'm a very outside person


It's because you haven't created any good memories that involve rain. Start today!!! The next time it rains it will remind you of something fun.

Paul in San Diego2013-02-01T05:51:00Z

You're hydrophobic?