Global warming is supposed to be settled science. Why is a UN report showing otherwise?
The Earth has been getting warmer -- but how much of that heat is due to greenhouse gas emissions and how much is due to natural causes?
A leaked report by a United Nations’ group dedicated to climate studies says that heat from the sun may play a larger role than previously thought.
“[Results] do suggest the possibility of a much larger impact of solar variations on the stratosphere than previously thought, and some studies have suggested that this may lead to significant regional impacts on climate,” reads a draft copy of a major, upcoming report from the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The man who leaked the report, StopGreenSuicide blogger Alec Rawls, told that the U.N.’s statements on solar activity were his main motivation for leaking the document.
Hondo... read the story and comment. It's funny but it is OK for NBC to edit a tape and to favor their point. This story will probably never make the alphabet news sources.
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Odd that all those wealthy politicians, and past politicians, who jet around, Al Gore in his $9 Mil., California mansion - with a $35,000/year utility bill - - are laughing all the way to the bank - telling the rest of us to shape up.
Scientists who came forward with facts proving the whole global warming theory a farce, lost their grants, funding, and their jobs. The American people are being scammed.
Disagreements in science do not amount to a dismissal of the science.
It's the same thing with the evolution "debate" the religious right is engaged in. People who don't understand how science works very well tend to latch on to these technical disagreements between professional scientists. The fact is greenhouse gasses caused by man remain a major cause, and that is a scientific consensus.
LOL, your source is from the Fox Lie Network. Here's the real skinny on the subject.
Due to a high amount of volcanic activity during the Carboniferous Period an abundance of CO2 was spewed into the atmosphere. The high concentration of CO2 made the earth very warm and the combination of warmth and CO2 caused plants to flourish from pole to pole.
Due to the fact that bacteria to eat cellulose had not yet evolved is why we have coal beds and other fossil fuels today. The making of fossil fuels will never happen again in earth’s history. When we burn fossil fuels we instantly release the CO2 that they have safely locked up for many millions of years. The earth will indeed heat up as a result.
That's the story on global warming as well as a story on evolution. Both are hard facts that can't be argued.
Btw, Koch Industries, which the brothers own, is one of the top ten polluters in the United States — which perhaps explains why the Kochs have given $60 million to climate denial groups between 1997 and 2010.
“I see climate contrarians try this trick almost every time a big new solar study comes out. They somehow tend to neglect mentioning that solar variation is smaller than the heat-trapping power of carbon dioxide,” Aaron Huertas of the Union of Concerned Scientists told
To back that up, Huertas points to data that show that solar activity and temperature rose together from 1880 until 1960, but that then, solar activity stopped increasing -- even as temperatures continued going up.
“The basic evidence is that solar activity has varied a bit while global temperature keeps going up,” Huertas said.
We're freezing our tails off right now. Temperatures in the single digit wind chills. This is just a normal winter. According to Al gore and his lovers, we were supposed to be lazing away in the sun and palm trees by this time, ten or fifteen years ago. Winter and snow would have been a thing of the last.
Actually I had read from Liberal-approved news sources that the UN had greatly exaggerated climate data. Another reason I don't believe the hype and bullsnoot.