Question for women: What would you think if this happened to you?

There's this creepy, perverted old lesbian and she likes to hit on women that are way younger than her, like old enough to be her granddaughters. She's really nasty and smelly & gross. If you're a younger woman, would you think this was gross or hot? Just curious.


Just for the record, I think it's gross. And yeah, this lady is nasty, like I said. Like bad stinking, skanky old woman. I doubt anyone would think this is hot. Blech, makes me want to barf.


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Uh, I would not think that was hot. I might think it was kind of funny and maybe even flattering, but if she's gross like you say, I would probably just think it was gross.


Yes that's gross.


Id problably end up going all 3 am on her and stuff just of peer fear


I still recognize you, Voldemort.


Why the **** would I find that to be 'hot'?

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