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Yes,big time,I am in New York to Scooter,small town,they are saying 12 to 18 inches here,it is really coming down heavy about maybe 3 maybe 4 inches out there now!
It was. We got a snow day when it only snowed 2-4 in.
It has snowed here all day. I live in southern Ontario. I've shovelled at least 3 times today.The snow plow made one quick drive through our street and it still looks the plow hasn't been through.Maybe they never lowered the blase..The roads are a mess.On the plus side we are one day closer to spring.
Yes it did we did get about 4 inches of snow
Everything is shut down. Even the Bruins game has been rescheduled for a night game tomorrow. BTW, enjoy having Tim Thomas in net, the guy is a stud.