Do I feel threatened by him?
Well ok there is a guy in one off my drawing classes...
First lesson he sat next to me and he noticed my shirt and hat and we started talking about sherlockian and doctor who stuff.
The next lesson as soon as he came in he gave me a glance and instantly said in a sarcastic voice how many Doctor Who shirts do you have and I'm like four... And he's like I have two.
Then he really annoyed me that lesson, because he was talking about meeting Johnny Deep, How David Tennant re-tweeted him and yeah, he wasn't even talking to me, but the girl next to me. Then he started throwing matchboxes at her and they hit me afterwards and I stared at him he's just like "It was meant to hit her."
Then he made a light saber out off the matches boxes. Is he a five year old?
Anyway, He thinks he's more geeker than me, when really- he isn't.
Should I just move tables so I don't have to endure this torture next lesson?
And Why am I so annoyed at him when I hardly know him?
Oh, and I think he has a girlfriend. So no that's not it.