Chicken owners: are Brahma cocks quiet?

Some breed pages claim they are exceedingly gentle and very quiet; that their crow is rarely heard and that they tolerate other Brahma cocks without constant battling. Some breed pages say nothing of the kind. So someone out there who actually owns them, fill me in. I have 6 Red Star pullets (last spring's hatch) and I'm considering a 6-pack of straight-run Brahmas (large fowl, not bantams) for this spring... but my next door neighbor's house is pretty close, and I don't want to annoy him; he's a great neighbor. I cannot bring myself to butcher excess cocks, and you can't give them away: no one wants them. So if I get more than one cock in the 6, will we have peace in the yard, this summer?

Thanks in advance.

Country GIRL2013-02-10T12:02:17Z

Favorite Answer

That depends on the birds not the breed I had a batch of straight runs come and with in the 36 birds I received I had 16 rooster and they did well together if they are raised together they seem to do well its when you bring one in later to the flock that a roo has trouble.


under no circumstances considered one. i've got been to a lot of places that are stated to be haunted and stayed in York it rather is meant to be the main haunted city in England - no longer a whisper of a Roman soldier everywhere in spite of the undeniable fact that there is meant to be an entire legion of them trudging interior the path of the streets. are you able to edit to assert the place you have discovered them?