We are a middle aged hubs and wife whom adopted a 3 year old lil boy! Hes whimpers periodically so I know he is home sick. We got him from a family. I just love my pets, he is the only one we have, we do one pet at a time ,$, so we dedicate everthing to them when we have them. we havent never adopted, only from birth .
Favorite Answer
More info on your shih zu can be found in the link.
They are great little dogs, but a lot of people mistake a lounge type dog as only needing their love. If you dont regularly socialise him (off lead in dog parks) he wont develop into a full dog and you will have more issues with discipline at home, separation anxiety etc.
You should also be aware that their double coat will need extra attention (not as easy as just shaving off in hot summers). So my main advice is to give him regular dog time, and some discipline (the same from both of you) so he knows the rules, I imagine that he will always get plenty of affection ... Good luck!
He needs some time and maybe some space. Just provide reassurance that you wont hurt or abandon him. I watch a border collie periodically and the first few times she just moped the whole time I had her. Now she loves us and acts like part of the family. She just needed time.