Will we ever get intelligent Media Hosts back?

What business of anyone is it to have pictures of the President playing Golf with Tiger Woods?
Becoming President does not mean giving up all rights to any privacy.
Next someone wants to interview a President while "doing his business". Looking for intelligent and reasonable Journalists. Any out there to replace these warped minds?


Favorite Answer

scott pelly is ok look into terry chick he's pretty decent


Actually being a public figure does mean you lose a significant amount of rights to privacy. Even somebody like Snooki, who is completely unimportant, looses her right to privacy because she's a public figure.

If you're a liberal, go with Anderson Cooper, Fareed Zakaria, or Jon Stewart.
If you're a conservative, go with Chris Wallace or Bill O'Reilly.

You only said intelligent. They're intelligent, and for the most part, won't fill your head with rage and conspiracy theories. Don't go with Glenn Beck or Chris Matthews.