I want to know how to clear my record of eviction notice so I can purchase a home.?

Will a bankrupsty take care of this problem.


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You can't clear an eviction unless it was unlawful that's why people really try to avoid them. If you didn't pay your rent on time you're going to have to wait 7 years from the date of the judgment for the record to expire.


Jay P2013-02-19T19:06:08Z

No a bankruptcy will not make the eviction go away. In fact, going bk would pretty much destroy your credit for the short term and further hurt your chances of getting a home. Unfortunately, if the eviction is valid, there is little way to get it off of your credit history. It is a valid item that will follow the normal rules of credit reporting.


You cannot do what you want to do. And, even if you could, it would still appear on your credit report. Work on getting that report cleaned up and it will negate the eviction.


you can't clear this record. It is a court order.