Do the actors in the TV show Nashville really sing?

Just wondering in the actors and actresses of Nashville really sing the songs or do real singers do it and they're just lip sinking? If you can provide an answer along with the source of your information, not just a guess, I'd appreciate it for credibility.

*Absolut* RN2013-02-19T14:11:31Z

Favorite Answer

Yes they do.

Check out the "Music of Nashville: Season 1" CD soundtrack, the songs are sung by the actors/actresses in the show, who do the singing in the show.


Nashville Tv Show Actors


Well, your best shot would be in LA. Nashville, definitely for country, but you don't want that. Thing is, you seem a little unpolished yet. For example, nobody who's savvy about show biz would ask about how Miley Cyrus got her opportunities--her dad was already connected in the business and he--not some big agent--was responsible for the start of her career (just like all the child stars, the mom or dad is the first agent, really--and Miley had a superb one). So what will you be studying in school while in LA? If you intend to go into acting, it should be a bachelor of fine arts program in theatrical performance (and don't fret about having to do stage plays--they count toward your resume). You do understand that you're going to have to network through professional training, find the few auditions open to people who aren't yet actors' union members, and grind your way through a hundred rejections before you get a career break--don't you? But persistence wins out in the end, so break a leg when you get up there.


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