What was the first question ever asked on Y!A?

hmmm... I wonder..


Favorite Answer

Staff say..........Why are yawns contagious

Others have said...The first question asked while Yahoo! Answers was in beta testing was, 'What was the first DVD you bought?'.
What is a good Korean BBQ restaurant in the Bay Area? (Month ? 2005 )
How do I decide on a good magic set for children (about 8 years old)? ( Dec. 2005)

This is an old question about it that i answered http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101115071947AATsT7Z

AL E. ATORIO2013-02-20T18:42:33Z

I was wondering why Edward Elric, Toya Kinomoto and Kaori Misaka of the respective anime "Fullmetal Alchemist", "Cardcaptor Sakura" and "Kanon" were called as "Brother/Sister" by their respective younger siblings Alphonse, Sakura and Shiori.



I believe it was "Testing, testing. Check 1, 2. Testing. Is Yahoo! Answers working yet? Check 1, 2. Check 1, 2."


Well, if you can find the first-ever page of that question, you might consider not looking forward to that question anymore. It's too strenuous.


mine first question i was asking for dating advice with my now ex girlfriend

i asked what i should do because there was another guy that likes her and i wanted to win her heart/love

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