My voice keeps cracking?

I'm a 14 year old girl. My voice cracks so. Freakin. Much. Like a goose. Honk. My guy friends and crush always make fun if me :P good naturdly of course. It's annoying because I can't sing without my voice cracking. I'm not sick, and when I asked the Docter, he said I'm fine. That it's a part of puberty. But I thought that was just for guys...? I got my period and everything like a normal girl. I just don't understand my voice cracking. Am I a freak? And how can I deal with my voice? When will it settle down.


Favorite Answer

It's just mother nature. If the doctor says its fine, its fine. Just ignore your friends. If they are too stupid to understand how puberty works, you shouldn't make such ignorant and judgmental friends.