Better President: George W Bush or Barack Obama? Why?

Bush's 2 terms vs Obama's 1st. Thoughts?


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... better?

better at what, being a pawn for globalist bankers?


Bush was the kind of leader who comes around only once every thousand years or so and destroys an entire empire. Just consider the healthy economy President Clinton handed him: high employment, the budget in surplus and expected to run surpluses indefinitely into the future. The entire national debt was on schedule to have been paid off in 2010. Bush destroyed ALL that with tax cuts for billionaires and two unnecessary wars. It is possible the US will never recover from the damage Bush did. It happens in history from time to time, a bad enough leader comes along that the country he leads goes down and stays down forever. Obama is doing as good a job as possible trying to resurrect the American economy. Of course, the Republicans are fighting him every step of the way. Its kind of like being on a ship that is taking on water and starting to go down and the crew is fighting valiantly to keep it afloat but there are the Republicans doing everything in their power to harass and interfere with the crew. They hate Obama so much they are obviously willing to sacrifice the entire nation just to indulge their hatred.


You stated " We went from having one of the hated men in the world as our President to some of the adored man on the earth." have you ever not watched what has been happening with North Korea,and Iran? Bear in mind Obama's election pledge of i'll meet with these leaders ,and have higher members of the family with them. North Korea has executed extra missile assessments throughout Obama's up to now quick time in workplace then they did for the whole eight years of Bush. And that i recommend you do a little extra research into your TARP funds statement. Obama has given far more TARP money then Bush could have dreamed about. Discontinue staring at MSNBC, the primary sure hearth scan of the economic climate will likely be after the primary of the yr when the vacation looking season is over then we will be able to be aware of if it can be better or worse. Proper now many shops are striking on by means of their teeth hoping to have a significant Christmas rush. In the event that they do...Things will turn around...If now not the economic climate will crash again.


President Bush dug the economy into a hole.
President Obama is working hard to fill the hole! (no, not THAT way, get your mind out of the gutter!)


George W Bush is easily better but he still wasn't a good president. Obama was able to triple the federal debt per year and somehow stupid liberals "@Auroch" think that it's George Bush's fault. And 5 years after he pretty much doubled his own federal deficit, Obama and the rest of his liberal followers still think its Bush's fault. Obamas failures are his own, not some other dude's. Theres a lot of stupid people on this planet. A lot of people hear something and they believe it, they don't find out whats true for themselves.

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