Can JaMarcus Russell come back and become the next Tom Brady?

What if Jamarcus Russell comes back, signs with the Kansas City Chiefs and Andy Reid brings the Chiefs to the Super Bowl, which Russell wins, and he has 3 rings in 5 years. What will the Raiders fans reaction be? What would the Eagles fan reaction be?


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I can see him coming back and actually being better than he was (which is not saying much), if he works hard. But he would never be in the same-category as Tom Brady.


Russell couldn't come back and be the next Tony Romo that would be too much work for him. Lets face in all seriousness now Russell Is a lazy person. He's pushing or over 300lbs last time I heard. He's clearly coming back for money if he tried he may be successful he wasn't a number 1 pick for nothing the talents there but talent isn't always everything. It's fine tuning skills the drive to be better tomorrow than he was yesterday the dedication the motivation. Tom Brady's scouting report was everything he isn't now but was at the time loose spiral inaccurate sluggish (he's still slow) but it was the fact he had to earn his keep that made him good. He wasn't brought into the league with a silver spoon in his mouth. He had to prove himself he was drafted as a roster spot purely and his opportunity came. It's up to Russell what he wants to make of this if he wants to succeed or coast for the money. Regardless it won't be with the Chiefs they will get Geno Smith. Andy Reid won't **** up his possible last opportunity in the NFL on a chance or shot in the dark like Russell.


Leaf. Russell is a horrible quarterback, and i don't have any obstacle announcing it. He is like Vince young. Younger had one exceptional season and tuition, acquired drafted excessive, and has come to be a disappointment. Russell could emerge as an o.K. Quarterback, if the Raiders actually get an offensive line that may block, however I doubt he's going to. Al Davis the fool that he's, does not seem to care that his o-line sucks. And, he didn't also have a quality final school season like younger did. Younger is an underachiever, but at the least he was once beautiful good in school. Russell simply sucked always besides within the Sugar Bowl 2-years in the past. He's going to be nothing. When the Titans drafted younger they did so given that he performed in college. Russell alternatively didn't.

Cu Tie2013-02-27T07:47:10Z

It depends on his work ethic, especially with his eating and exercise habits, during every offseason. If JaMarcus Russell eats healthy, and exercises by doing a lot of running every day, he will get into better shape, which will greatly improve his chances of getting signed to play for an NFL team, such as the Kansas City Chiefs, in the future.

The Real DK2013-02-23T10:53:33Z

It's possible I've always said Russell has the talent to overtake Brady as the best QB of all time if he puts time into his work. If he signs with the Chiefs and he somehow beats out Alex Smith for the starting job then that would be one great story, I could defiantly see it.

If he wins 3 rings Raider fans will cry, Eagles fans will cry and all of the 20,000 Chiefs fans in the world will jump with joy until they realize they haven't been filling up there stadium and now the team is moving to Los Angeles.

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