Should one race practice the ceremonies of another?
I recently posted a video on youtube of someone teaching the Native American Sacred Sweat Lodge Ceremonies to non Indians. Several Indians commented that this ceremony should only be for Indians and no one else should do a Sweat. I posted my comments on this idea on the following blog: Can I get your comments to my blog response?
Link to the video on Sweat Lodge:
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I notice all the non-natives don't see the problem with it. Why? Because they are accustomed to taking or buying whatever they want from any other culture. And they don't understand the reasons why we refuse to share certain aspects of our spiritual ceremonies.
What if I wanted to do my version of a catholic mass, and I copied the mass ceremony, including it's trappings, dress and accessories, and I called it an "authentic catholic mass" and charged admission for it. Would the real catholics have a problem with me doing this? You bet they would!
It is disrespectful to copy our ceremonies. It is cultural theft. Our cultures and traditions are the last thing you haven't been able to steal from us. And now you are trying to take that from us as well, and market it and sell it. Our spirituality isn't for sale.
If you have any respect for native americans, don't do crap like this. I'm reposting your links here:
edit****************OMG, just out of curiosity, I watched a few minutes of that video....they are going to kill someone running a sweat like that! (just like those other idiots in Sedona) They are covering the lodge with plastic!! And wearing bathing suits in the sweat? ( Not to mention the hundred other mistakes I saw) This video should be taken down immediately, as it is teaching unsafe, and possibly lethal methods. Seriously, this is REALLY bad, and VERY dangerous! track to some lawsuits, as those people clearly have NO idea how to run a sweat. Nor do they understand the sacred.
What a joke. An offensive, dangerous joke, that is liable to end up with someone hurt or dead.
Notice we don't write books about our spiritualities? Don't invite nons to attend our ceremonies? That is because they are NOT for YOU. Were you meant to know would have been born into them. We don't seek recruits or take on converts.....because we are NOT religions.
You want to sweat? Go to a sauna. Leave our ceremonies to us, as its been proven time and time again, that you culture vultures and co-opters don't know what you are doing. isn't about race at all. Many Natives are of mixed social race. The difference is, our tribal citizenship, our connection to our community and the earth, and that we actually have thousands of years of knowledge behind performing our ceremonies. Posting youtube videos of poly-resin tarped nonsense, is just going to end up with a lot of of spiritually bankrupt, dead, non-Natives.
"Races" do not have ceremonies. Peoples do, or ethnic groups, etc.
I lived with a traditional native shaman, and she deplored what she called "pan-Indianism," where people (even other natives) would "borrow" ceremonies from others, without a good idea of what they actually meant, or, were for. However, she also became a Christian, so, she adopted the Christian view of the world as well, but, added it to her own understanding, and, only after much study, and reflection.
I only read bits of your post (kind of long!), but, you have the essence of it. We can honour a culture by observing their customs. However, it is when we "cherry pick" bits, without a full understanding that things go amiss. For example, Fins, and other Nordic peoples have saunas, and traditions with them. A sweat lodge is physically a sauna, but, the experience is totally different. One of cleansing, and spirituality - and, even then, only done by certain peoples.
So, those who object to others taking the ceremony without a full understanding, or acceptance are actually correct in their objections. But, to reserve the essence of something for a given people is also wrong, in my opinion. It is possible to learn from others, with respect, and understanding, and a sharing of peoples is good for all of us. Taking from another culture without knowing what you are doing is not good though - it renders the whole thing all but meaningless.
Why not? - Been around the world a few times and find that people always appreciate my participation in their ceremonies - done w/respect, what could possibly be the problem.
Live in a Buddhist country w/a Buddhist family - - never one issue.
I think we should be past the era of "racial ceremonies" altogether (although I'd say American Indian ceremonies are more tribal/cultural than racial).
However, if your specific case, I don't see a problem (although that's an immediate judgement, and I haven't looked into the matter in any depth at all).