Question about Golf swing and baseball swing?

I have been playing baseball my entire life and I love it to no end. However, I also enjoy golf and have decided to sign up for the golf team at my high school. I have never played golf on a team, just a few times in the summer after baseball every year. I'm also in Iowa and golf is a spring sport, baseball a summer sport. I'm lucky enough to have a underground batting cage in my house. I've also heard the old saying that playing golf will mess up my baseball swing. Does it really? While on the team, I'll be golfing every day after school but plan on taking cuts from our pitching machine when I get home. If I do this every day, will my baseball swing get all screwed up even though I'm still hitting every day? By the way, to me, golf is leisure while baseball is my #1 sport and the one I care about most. Thanks!


Favorite Answer

Well it depends on how skilled you are if you are learner then it might affect your swing in baseball. I think the more talented and more mentally confident a player is the less chances of the swing to be harmed. But I would seriously suggest that you wouldn't practice golf during baseball season as it may sore your muscles and you may develop a bad habit that may hurt swing in baseball at crucial time of the baseball season.
If your planning to learn golf then you can go through the below link they have golf packages for learners




The easiest way to learn golf like a pro is by following "The Simple Golf Swing" program. It's primarily a 31 page eBook that teaches golfers how to make solid contact with the ball, how to avoid hitting fat, how to avoid slicing, how get more power, accuracy, and consistency in your swing. Consistency being the number 1 golf skill.

You not only get the eBook though, you also receive a ton of extra material including video, lessons on putting, driving, chipping, sand play etc. Here is their official site: