I'm really itchy in *that area*. I've never had se* and I'm a 15 year old girl. I shaved there earlier, although it was even itching before then (and I was hoping that shaving would stop the itching, but it hasn't), but I've been rubbing my skin raw trying to get rid of the itching. I took a shower today so it shouldn't be a build-up dead skin. What could this be from? And what can I do to get rid of the itching?

Please, helpful and relevant answers only. Thanks! :)


It's on the outside... It was itching before and after the shower, and before and after the shave. I wear girl's Hanes briefs underwear, so that shouldn't be causing it.


It's on the outside.

ALSO, the itching was BEFORE and after the shower, and BEFORE and after the shaving.

I wear Hanes briefs girl's underwear, so that shouldn't cause it.


Favorite Answer

lotion might help the itching and also it might be ur bath soap so try switching it and cotton underware is good also


It depends on where in that area it's itching, sorry to sound gross but it depends on if it's like on the outside or the inside, if that makes sense?


That happened to me all the time after shaving, until I got used to it after doing it alot. Try putting neosporin or something with aloe in it on, that always helped me. Hope this helps :)