Can i get rid of a community picked best answer?

Almost every question i ask is given wrong terrible answers and half the time are proven wrong by the statements in the question and when it gets put as the best answer by the community it pisses me off is there any way to get rid of that answer and get one that doesn't suck.


In fact i predict that this will have a bad community picked answer


Favorite Answer

No you cannot "get rid of" a community picked best answer. You can prevent a community picked best answer by choosing a best answer yourself.


Solve the problem the easy way and select a Best Answer yourself like you are encouraged to do by Yahoo.
You are responsibly for you own misfortune.
Remember half the voters will not know the correct answer and 2/3 of them don't care, as they just vote for the top one.
That was proven years ago as the first answer would always win, so Yahoo jumbled them up as we see now.

Peter Boiter Woods2013-02-26T17:46:43Z

If the BA is a violation, you can report it and if a violation, the BA and the question will both be deleted. Otherwise, you must take the responsibility to pick the BA within the 4 day open period to ensure you like the BA.


Pick the best answer yourself before it goes to a vote. You can also pick no best answer after it goes to vote and you can delete your question before it goes to a vote. You can't do anything about it after a best answer has been selected.


Not that I know of I have tried, some people are mad when you tell the truth, about Obama, lol I said he was a do do not even,a cuss word Any one can click report and,it gets deleted but they are set in their ways.

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