Which guy do I like more? And which one possibly likes me back?

I think I have mixed feelings about two guys. Let's call them...guy A and guy B. Iv known guy A longer, and he always pokes me and kicks my chair and makes up silly nicknames for me. I think hes totally cute and funny and smart. Guy B is someone I just met. He's at my lab station in science class and he also calls me a nickname and spills water on my paper or blames things on me to make me laugh and get my attention. I thinks he pretty cute too, and hes popular. I'm in eight grade and a girl. Btw these two guys are both frirnds. I used to like guy A, but since my met guy B, I'm having second thoughts. Who do I really like?? And do these guys possibly like me back?


Favorite Answer

Do we look like mind readers to you? We don't know which guy you like. I've never been an 8th grade girl, so I don't understand your logic. Guy A is someone you've known for a while and you think he's cute, funny, and smart. He is obviously flirting with you and clearly likes you.
The other one, Guy B, seems more like a jerk than a possible boyfriend. It's nice you think he's funny and stuff, but pouring water on your papers isn't something I'd appreciate for someone I would want to spend my free time with in and out of school.
Guy A seems much more interested in you than Guy B.