Does this also make you love Terell Suggs even more?

BQ: When Suggs says "You think we don't talk to guys that have played for the New England Patriots, that have been on the New England Patriots that have been like, 'Oh, it's been like this."', what do you think he is talking about NE still taping?

Eric S.2013-02-28T10:08:58Z

Favorite Answer

Nope. This is a total non-story. Do 31 teams hate New England? Probably, which is what happens when you win consistently. Do 31 teams hate Baltimore now that they have not only won consistently but now have another Super Bowl to back it up? Probably just as likely.

BQ: I think he's talking about the culture and probably the ego of Belichick. Could New England still be taping, possibly, but I highly doubt they are the only team.