Why don't cribs have horizontal bars?

Like why are the bars only vertical? Do they make any that have horizontal AND vertical bars? Spaced close together so the baby can't get any body parts trapped in it. It just seems like a superior design but I can't find one like this anywhere.


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It would make it too easy for kids to climb out.

Suzy Q2013-03-02T08:58:50Z

If the bars are too close together for a baby's limbs to get trapped, they are also too close together to allow for proper air flow. Not to mention the climbing out issue aleady mentioned by others.

Cribs don't have horizontal bars because that is NOT a superior design.


When the child gets old enough to climb, having horizontal bars is the same as giving them a ladder to climb out.

If you are concerned about arms and legs sticking out, you can buy a mess crib bumper.


So the baby doesn't roll and get its arm/leg stuck in the gap. Also it would like a ladder, and the kid could easily climb it and fall

Elephants Are Awesome2013-03-02T00:05:11Z

kids could get easily climb out!

Maybe you could make a crib yourself!

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