What would you call a widow?

My aunt is a widow,now would her be a Mrs or a Ms


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She would still be known as Mrs. Dan Young ... Ms. is not used in this case.
p.s. She can use Mrs. Daisy Young ..but most elderly prefer to go by Mrs. Dan Young
(her husbands name)
She goes by Aunt Daisy, to you.

Common sense isn't anymore..2013-03-02T02:11:08Z

Depends on what she prefers. I only know of a couple widows, both still went by Mrs until they became involved with someone else later on. Then it was Ms.


By their name.

Many say Ms but someone recently widowed will find that offensive and would prefer Mrs.


You call your Aunt just AUNT

Other people should address her as: Ms.


She doesnt lose her Mrs title just because her husband passed. She can be called whichever she prefers.

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