how to remove from windows a corruptly installed driver package?

Many yrs ago my son installed U400 lg Phone drivers. I have tried to do an uninstall but an internal error message pops up Error 0x800410707. Finally going thru' kids old phones found the original U400 disc. Tried to do a reinstall but yet again the same error message comes up Error 0x800410707.
Is there a way of fixing the error so windows XP can complete the uninstall?


Favorite Answer

just try this, but im not sure if this will work on not.
start>run> type msconfig and hit enter
>click on Services tab
>search for the software and uncheck it
>apply>ok >restart if asked

start>run> type msconfig and hit enter
>click on startup
>search for the software and uncheck it
>apply>ok >restart if asked

start>run> and type regedit and hit enter
>Software search the folder (software) you want to delete (in this case lg pc suit)
and delete the folder

and also under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
>Software search the folder (software) you want to delete (in this case lg pc suit)
and delete the folder

go to c drive in my computer>program files>and search for lg folder and delete it
and then try to reinstall from dics

and hey im not sure this will work. but give it a try.

and if this is not working the only option left is reinstalling os (format)