What do you think of my song?


We do it a little different live, but that's about what we're aiming to have for a recorded version.


And hey, I know everybody hates shameless self-promotion, but as a sometimes top-answerer in R&P I feel entitled to do one of these. Do you like it? Like us on FB. http://www.facebook.com/FrenchReform We're releasing our first EP next month.

David Clark2013-03-05T23:40:55Z

Favorite Answer

Usually people desperate enough to look on Yahoo Answers for fans are appropriately terrible, but that was actually good. Like, really good. I feel like you could've done a little more with it, though, because it did get a little boring in parts. But overall, the singing, the composition, the production - surprisingly excellent. Post more stuff! I'd love to hear it.