If Heather can have two mommies, why can't the church have two popes?


Favorite Answer

because Jesus appointed Peter as the first one. Jesus didn't appoint 2 men to lead the first Church. Tradition is to have one pope at a time. Grow up

JAMES K2013-03-07T02:23:22Z

There is only one Pope and you have three choices:
1: Like it.
2: Love it.
3: Be thrilled over it.


Well two people don't always agree on everything. Its like how there is only one president or prime minister. There would be too many arguments between the two of them that nothing would ever get done.

Bobby Jim2013-03-07T00:53:39Z

OMG, the Catholic Church cannot even handle ONE Pope. What ever would they do with two???


The Church have MANY Popes, but one at a time...do not worry, we have too many cardinals that can be made into a soccer team LOL

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