This feeling I had Friday night?

Friday night i took my girlfriend to the sports show in Milwaukee and I had this feeling. It's a really good feeling but I don't know what it is. It felt right that she was there like, it was ment to be. But it was a lot more than that. If anyone could help that would be great, feel free to ask questions if you want to help.


Favorite Answer

Maybe you're having deja vu and you already lived this life and that's a memory from that life you remembered.


i too am a SAHM, and that i in reality had to assert to my kinfolk, "look all of us are having different acivity for widely used of the week because if we dont i wont even desire to distinguish between days anymore..." my little ones regarded at me like "moms loopy,... back" and my hubby whined because he knew he wouldnt take care of to come back living house from artwork and beeline for the xbox contained in the basement and go away me with the babies on my own for yet another finished 24 hrs. So heres what i'll up with: Sunday: coupon clipping and the Simpsons Monday: Disney themed some thing (action picture or reading thoughts and coloring) Tuesday: moms evening ( effective quiet bath, reading in mattress no house responsibilities allowed) Wednesday:Pasta evening Thursday: secret evening (used to love csi in intense college so now we examine youthful ones secret thoughts or play a secret pastime) Friday: Dinner and action picture evening ( at living house or out) Saturday: is little ones decision ( in many circumstances bypass diego bypass on the vcr, grrrrrr) so ya i'm loopy yet its better suited than not remembering the time and days issues befell on..


"Last Friday night
Yeah, we danced on table tops 💃
And we took too many shots🍸
Think we kissed but I forgot👄

Last Friday night
Yeah, we maxed our credit cards💳
And got kicked out of the bar🍻
So we hit the boulevard🚦

Last Friday night
We went streaking in the park🌳
Skinny dipping in the dark🌛
Then had a ménage à trois"👩👨👱



Hey man she could be the one, but im pretty sure you already knew that and you just wanted confirmation from a fellow man.



No idea May be you have been in a love with her.